U prvim utakmicama osmine finala najjačeg klupskog natjecanja na svijetu viđena su po četiri pogotka u Torinu i Baselu. Ravnomjernije su bili raspoređeni na utakmici Juventusa i Tottenhama...
Harry Kane has equalled the record for most goals scored by an English player in a single #UCL season (7), set by Steven Gerrard in 2008/09. ??? pic.twitter.com/k0SQ2l4EjW
— UEFA Champions League (@ChampionsLeague) February 13, 2018
A frantic 45 minutes switching between #JUVTOT & #BASMCI ?
Tottenham with 72% possession & 10 shots to 4.
Man City with 78% possession & 5 shots to 3.
Tottenham 2-1 down & Man City 3-0 up…
It's been worth the 2 month wait… Got to love the #ChampionsLeague ?
— Oliver Belcher (@oliverbelcher10) February 13, 2018
Nakon dvadeset minuta utakmica već je na obje bilo 2:0 za favorite. Juventus je, predvođen sjajno raspoloženim Gonzalom Higuainom, u osam minuta ozbiljno oštetio Tottenham, a desetak minuta više trebalo je Cityju da riješi posao u Švicarskoj.
Dapače, moćni Guardiolin stroj riješio je sva pitanja već u 23. minuti – Gündogan, Silva i Agüero su postigli tri gola i većina internet ratnika počela je zazivati budućeg prvaka engleske, a možda i šire, za milost!
Can't believe it's 9 Min to go already ???????????????
I could watch this match the whole night #JUVTOT #ChampionsLeague
— ?xıuǝoɥd (@MsRiri_M) February 13, 2018
U međuvremenu utakmica u Torinu tek je započinjala! Pred kraj prvog poluvremena, Harry Kane – a tko drugi? – smanjio je, no u posljednjim trenucima dionice Higuain je dobio priliku postići hat-trick za prvih 45 minuta utakmice. No, promašio je jedanaesterac za 3:1, a devetnaest minuta prije kraja osvetilo se to Juventusu.
What a brilliant first 45mins of football that was. More of the same please in the second half!! #JuveTottenham #ChampionsLeague
— Alan Shearer (@alanshearer) February 13, 2018
Moćnoj Staroj dami dogodilo se što joj se jako rijetko događa. Da ispuste dva gola prednosti! Eriksen je postigao lijep pogodak za 2:2 u 71. minuti i stavio točku na “i” sjajne utakmice, svi se oko toga slažu.
Sergio Agüero has 14 goals in 11 games in all competitions in 2018. ??? #UCL pic.twitter.com/chdsaEKQgR
— UEFA Champions League (@ChampionsLeague) February 13, 2018
City je na kraju imao milosti, u preostalih 70-ak minuta utakmice postigli su samo jedan pogodak, ali jasno je da su već osigurali plasman u četvrtfinale. Takva teorije ne postoji po kojoj bi Basel nešto napravio na Ettihadu.
Uzvratne utakmice ovih četiriju klubova igraju se gotovo za mjesec dana, tek 7. ožujka.
Man City need to be asked to respect Basel. 3-0 as at 23" is just cruel. They should be limited to just two more… ? #ChampionsLeague #TheScoreKE
— Carol Radull (@CarolRadull) February 13, 2018
Sutra su na rasporedu još dva susreta prve polovice osmine finala koja je na rasporedu ovog tjedna.
Basel 0 Man City 4 and still 35 minutes to play #ChampionsLeague pic.twitter.com/M4zc4S2WuO
— Chris Goldsmith (@TheTennisTalker) February 13, 2018
U Portu domaćin dočekuje Liverpool, a možda i dvoboj ove runde natjecanja, barem što se tiče zanimljivosti i glasina oko moguće Realove kupovine Neymara, odigrat će Madriđani i gostujući PSG!
Ahead of kick-off, here are five things you might not know about the #ChampionsLeague pic.twitter.com/5uu1ZeggTy
— SportsJOE (@SportsJOE_UK) February 13, 2018
34 – Manchester City have already won more games this season in all competitions (34) than they did in the whole of last season (33). Exceptional. #UCL #BSLMCI pic.twitter.com/UJhZwns81G
— OptaJoe (@OptaJoe) February 13, 2018
19 – Kevin De Bruyne now has 19 assists in all competitions for Manchester City in 2017-18; five more than any other Premier League player. Creator. pic.twitter.com/IhwrZQEN1k
— OptaJoe (@OptaJoe) February 13, 2018