Bojana Bogdanovića u novoj sezoni vodit će najmlađi trener u NBA ligi.
Utah Jazz naime dogovorio je suradnju s 34-godišnjim Willom Hardyjem.
On u Salt Lake City dolazi s pozicije pomoćnog trenera Boston Celticsa.
S Jazzerima je dogovorio petogodišnji ugovor.
Zanimljivo je da će Hardy biti mlađi od dvojice igrača Utaha – NBA veterana Rudyja Goberta i Mikea Conleya.
Will Hardy was a DIII standout at Williams College.
— Front Office Sports (@FOS) June 28, 2022
His career started as a video intern with the Spurs.
He worked his way up to Gregg Popovich's bench.
He joined the Team USA staff, then the Celtics.
At 34, the Utah Jazz are making him the youngest active coach in the NBA.